Customer Service and Return Policy
We are dedicated to providing the best customer service possible. If you have questions regarding your order or the Regalia C-191 treatment, please write to us at the following address:
If, during the 90-day satisfaction guarantee period, you are not entirely satisfied with the results obtained, you can return your remaining capsules for a complete refund. Please mail to the following address:
Régalia C-191
10 Canmotor Ave
Toronto, ON M8Z 4E5
Upon reception of your parcel, please allow 10 days in order for your refund request to be processed.
Régalia C-191, a product of Postal D.M.D. Inc.
Order in the next 12 minutes and
will be deducted from your order total.
“ In 10 days it has improved 65%”
A. K. Scarborough
“ Good results after 30 capsules, I will continue to tie 2 capsules every day. Thank you.”
K. J. Fort Qu'Appelle
“ Took 16 days at 2 per day day to help sexuality improve.”
J. S. Leamington
“ I am very satisfied with the results of Regalia C-191. After 45 capsules things are different, my erections came easier, quicker and harder. ”
M. X. Canada
“ I achieved great erections 50% of the time. With Regalia C-191 I achieve great erections 100% of the time. Much firmer and longer lasting.”
M. X. Canada
“ When my first order arrived I started right away, within 3 weeks I has a constant tingly and strong, and hard erections. This works better than my prescribed medication from my doctor. ”
A. E. Bloomfield
“ After having tried various other companies sexual health products and getting only minimal satisfaction I was determined not to give up, and finally a newspaper article featuring Regalia C-191which one I found a true honest product. Thanks.”
R. T. Barrie
“ I am trying to overcome a medical procedure with my prostate, after trying numerous other products with no results, 10 days on Regalia seems to be producing hard feelings, which I was starting to think I would never experience again. I am 79 years of age, my wife is 75 and we hope to continue a very fulfilling joyous sexual life. ”
J. K. Edmonton
“ After 6 days I am a believer that it is working much better than prescribed medication. ”
L. B. North Bay
“ I am 67 and my girlfriend is 60 our relationship was becoming a tale and now it is back to what it was 10 years ago. Thank you. ”
B. D. Aldergrove